Legal Services

Surpass client expectations by closing the deal in record time.

eSignature Sales
Legal service live esignature

Helping Law Firms of any and every size with straightforward and secure document signing.

Get all types of documents signed and completed, with any one of Pactima’s intuitive eSign solutions
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Legal Service eSIgnature Document Compliant and Secure

Specifically designed to adapt quickly to help you hit deadlines and reduce agreement turnaround time with no sacrifice to compliance or security.

Live eSignature

The perfect balance. Combine video calling with live document signing within one secure platform, with no downloads or apps required.

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In-Person eSignature

Just like traditional in the room signing, but made better.

Digitally sign documents in person, via a tablet such as an iPad or Microsoft Surface, with no pesky software or apps to download.
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Standard eSignature

Simple signing for everyday agreements.

Effortless eSigning for when there is no requirement for amendments, multiple signers or witnesses. No apps or software to download, just easy signing in two clicks of a button.

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Virtual Signing Network

Total control of multiple locations from a single base.

Create and manage a network of signing rooms from a centralized location. Replicate a smooth customer experience throughout every site, from the comfort of your own desk.
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API IntegrationsAPI IntegrationsAPI IntegrationsAPI IntegrationsAPI Integrations

Make more connections by integrating with awesome tools you know and love to super-charge your workflows. Reach out to us to learn more about our APIs.

Talk to us today to see how easy it is to streamline your document lifecycle with Pactima

Let's schedule a time to chat and we'll walk you through all the awesome features with absolutely no obligation
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